How it works
Register for free on Celigram to have your own @username
Create Profile
Update your profile to reflect your personality.
Choose Gift Vendors
Select a few gift vendors on Celigram as your favourite.
Share your link
Use your Celigram link or username to invite people to your Celigram page.
Why Celigram?

It's Fast, Easy & Secured
On any occasion, your friends, family, colleagues, and acquaintances can easily support your cause with gift vouchers and cash gifts without compromising your banking account privacy. Celigram helps you securely process your gift collections at branded stores or cash out in the case of cash gifts without any stress.

Connects with people that matter
Celigram helps you nurture your relationships by either accepting or
expressing your appreciation through gifts to your friends, family,
co-workers, team members, suppliers, customers, mentors, and others.

Versatile Gifts
Our platform eliminates the excuses and hassles associated with gift-giving for your acquaintances. They can now choose how to express their appreciation through the gift-giving experience, be it with gift vouchers or straightforward cash gifts. From now on, your next event will never be without support!